(Follow my next two blogs about overnight train travel.)
I discuss the humorous quirks of life after menopause, including body changes, long-term marriage, kids and grandkids, workouts, retirement, travel, life as a baseball mom, life as a caregiver, life as an elderly parent, writing, and other oddities.
AT&T: "Hello, my name is Samantha."
Chas: "Am I speaking to a real person?"
AT&T: "Yes, I'm a real live wire!"
Chas: "I'm so excited for you! I have spent one evening on the phone with your Company and my wife~"
AT&T: "Excuse me for interrupting, sir, but would you please give me your phone number?"
Chas: ".............."
AT&T: "May I please have your password?"
Chas: "...................."
AT&T: "Now I need the account holder's name."
Chas: "Samantha, I AM the account holder, and my name is CAREY and the last digits of my social security number are .... and my childhood pet was named BLACKIE and my wife grew up on RIVER ROAD and I am UPSET! Please HELP ME!"
AT&T: "What can I do for you, Mr. Carey?"
Chas: "I want to put our UVerse service on seasonal hold for four months. I have called your Company once before and we have tried to do it online. Nothing has worked! Can you please give me the steps to follow on your website?"
AT&T: "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Carey. Let me find out how you can proceed."
AT&T Supervisor: "Mr. Carey?"
Chas: "I can't believe it, but I'm still here!"
AT&T Supervisor: "Mr. Carey, I'm the Supervisor, Scott Regan, and I'm here to help you."
Chas: "That remains to be seen! I just want to put my UVerse service on hold for four months while we leave Florida for the summer. It used to be so easy!"
AT&T Supervisor: "Well, I'll find out how to do that. Would you mind holding?"
Chas: "Do I have a choice?"
AT&T Supervisor: "Mr. Carey, are you still there?"
Chas: "Is that you, Scott?"
AT&T Supervisor: "It's me. Thank you for holding. Now, tell me, is it correct that you do NOT have your cable t.v. with UVerse?"
Chas: "That's right, Scott. We live in a condo, and the building is wired for Comcast. We have no choice in the matter."
AT&T Supervisor: "Well, you see, Mr. Carey, right there is the problem! You have to have the ENTIRE PACKAGE in order to put your account on hold for the summer. You have to have phone and high-speed internet and t.v."
Chas: "So what you're telling me is that after two phone calls and an evening on your website, it's impossible to put our account on seasonal hold? What's the minimum we'll be paying each month over the summer?"
AT&T Supervisor: "$69.95."
Chas: "Even though we won't be here? That's outrageous!"
AT&T Supervisor: "I'm afraid so! But that's still quite a savings each month. Then when you get back, you just call us to reinstate full service."
Chas: "As simple as that, huh?"
AT&T Supervisor: "Is there anything else we can do for you?"
Chas: "I'd rather not say."